Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How do I know who currently has access on a document?

To know who currently has access to a document including their roles, one can follow these steps:

  1. View a document
  2. Click on the down arrow on the left of BACK button
  3. Select "Access & Roles"
The following popup message showing the list of users and their roles should show up:

How do I update permissions for documents after adjusting the workflow?

The permissions defining the access on a document is calculated after each action. When you adjust anything related to permission on a workflow (e.g. add/remove people in roles, grant/revoke permissions, etc.), you will need to do one of the following tasks to make have the document permissions up-to-date:

  1. Triggering some action on a document to trigger the permission updating process for that document
  2. Use "Recalculate permissions" option
To use "Recalculate permissions" option, take the following steps: 
  1. View a document as an administrator
  2. Click on the arrow on the left of BACK button
  3. Select "Recalculate permissions"

Saturday, May 25, 2019

How do I submit a support request?

Rethink Workflow has a built-in support request feature directly on our UI.

FUN FACT: We are "eating our own dog food" here. The support request is actually one of the workflows designed directly on Rethink Workflow.

Whenever you need help or want to suggest a new feature, take the following steps to contact us:

1. Click on the feedback icon on the top right of your screen:

2. Provide the details of your support request and click SUBMIT

Depending on your current subscription plan, we will be addressing your request in the queue and communicate with you directly via our interface.