Saturday, January 26, 2019

How to create or initiate a new document?

There are several ways to create or initiate a new document from a workflow.

From the overall dashboard

When you are on the overall dashboard, click on the "NEW DOCUMENT" button to start creating a new document.

On "SELECT A WORKFLOW" screen, click on the button on the right of the desired workflow to create a new document.

From the workflow dashboard

If you are already on the workflow dashboard, simply click on "NEW DOCUMENT" to initiate a new document from that workflow.

From a workflow public URL

If a workflow is made public, any public user can use the link provided to create a new document. Rethink Workflow offers an easy and streamlined authentication process for the new user to create an account and sign in before creating a new document.
This video demonstrates the steps a public user takes to create a new document from a public workflow

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Company Branding

As a company we think you should be able to style the application to match your organization's colors and logos. So we have provided you a great way to make your users feel right at home when they use Rethink Workflow.

Navigating to the Branding Section

The video given below will help you get to the branding section in Rethink Workflow

Changing the Logo

There are two places where you can upload your organization's logo. 

Login Screen

You can change the logo for the login screen, so that when an external user used a workflow that you have published, they shall see your company branding and may feel more comfortable while filling out the form. You can change the logo for the login as shown below

Once you have done this, the next time a user access a workflow published by your company, they shall see the branding as designed by you. Below we have created a sample public workflow being accessed by a user. The workflow is to schedule a pet appointment. When a user tries to access the workflow by clicking on the link ( that you may have provided), this is what they would see.

While Using Rethink Workflow

You can change the company logo inside Rethink workflow by uploading a picture and positioning it as you need it. The video below will demonstrate how you can upload a logo from your computer and replace the Rethink Workflow Logo. We recommend using an image with a transparent background.

Changing Colors

Once you have replaced the logo, next you can change the colors to match your organization as well. The steps to change the colors are demonstrated below


Rethink Workflow provides both Overall Dashboard and Workflow-specific Dashboard.

Overall Dashboard

The overall dashboard is usually the first screen you see after you sign in to our system. Most of the features of this dashboard are self-explanatory. This dashboard gives a quick glance at all the documents that you are being a part of. 

Workflow-specific Dashboard

Each workflow has its own dashboard called workflow-specific dashboard. The information presented in this dashboard is only for the selected workflow. 

To go to a workflow-specific dashboard, follow the instruction in the following video: 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Workflow Permissions

Setting permission is one of the most important aspects of creating an effective workflow since it defines who can do what with a document in a particular state in their life-cycle. Rethink Workflow uses Role-based Access Control in conjunction with field visibility condition and action conditions to provide a powerful yet simple way for the workflow designer to set up permissions.

To set up the permissions for a workflow, switch to PERMISSION tab on the workflow design screen:

There are two types of permissions: Field Permissions and Action Permissions.

Field Permissions

Field permissions allow the workflow designer to define the access level for roles on each field of the document. The access levels are: 
  • Edit: the role can edit, comment, and view the value of the field 
  • Comment: the role can comment and view the field, but can't edit the value of the field
  • View: the role can only view the field and can't comment or edit the value of the field
  • Hidden: the role can't view, comment, or edit the value of the field

Action Permissions

Action Permissions allow the workflow designer to define what actions are available for a particular role at a particular state. 
In the above screenshot,
  • Not Allowed: the current role does not have access to this action when the document is at this state
  • Allowed: the current role can take this action when the document is at this state. 

Role-based Access Control

A role defines permissions for one or more users to perform an action on a document. Rethink Workflow provides a quick and easy way to configure roles for your workflows.

To manage roles for a workflow, switch to ROLES tab on the Design screen:

By default, each workflow comes with two pre-defined roles: Document Owner and Initiators.

Document Owner

Document Owner is a pre-defined role representing the owner of a document. 
Most of the time, the person who creates a document out of a workflow plays Document Owner role. For example, in Timesheet workflow, Document Owner is the employee who creates and submits the timesheet.

Document Owner role can also be assigned to a user other than the creator of the document. For instance, in Event Registration workflow, we could use the email address entered to be Document Owner.


Initiators role is a special role that determines the list of internal users who can create documents out of a workflow. By default, anyone belongs to your organization can create a new document from any workflow, but you can limit this access to a certain set of users only.

For example, in a workflow that allows only users having "Manager" title to nominate their subordinates for Employee of the Month, the workflow designer can configure Initiators as in below screenshot:

Configure a Role

To create a new role, click on "+ ADD NEW" button.
To edit an existing role, click on the corresponding EDIT button as in the screenshot below:

On the edit panel displayed, you can configure Name, Description, and Members belong to this role:
The screenshot below explains how to configure the list of members:

Using the Value from a Field as a Member of a Role

One of the unique features of Rethink Workflow is an ability to use the value of an Email, or User Dropdown field as a member of a role.

There are many use-cases in which this feature is particularly useful, for example: 
  • In Timesheet workflow, the employee can specify the Manager who is going to approve the submitted timesheet. 
  • In Letter of Recommendation workflow, the requesting student can select the recommending professor from a list of users. 
  • In Event Registration workflow, the workflow creator can enter an email address to be one of the Document Owner. 
The following video demonstrates how to use a field value as a member of a role:

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Action Conditions


Action conditions is a feature that allows controlling the visibility of an action based on the return value of a predefined expression. When the returned value is evaluated as true, the action will be displayed. When the returned value is evaluated as false, the action won't be displayed.

Both placeholders and custom scripting logic can be used to specify the action conditions. 

For example, as in Computer Purchase Request workflow, if the value of the equipment is more than $1,000, the approval of the Finance Department is required. 

How to design

To configure the action condition, simply select the route and enter the condition as in the demonstration below: 
To learn more, check out our Computer Purchase Request workflow template. 

Unique Document Check


This feature allows organization administrator to configure a check to prevent duplicates. For example, in an event registration workflow, the administrator can configure the system to accept only one application per email address.

How to design

Define Document Key

The first step to set up the unique document check is defining the unique document key. This key usually contains placeholders which can be replaced by the system values or field values entered on the form. 
In the example above, we will set up our document key as in below in VARIANT tab: 

The expression above contains the workflow ID, the document owner id (the end-user who creates the document), and the email address entered on the form. This expression will ensure that only one email address can be used for submitting a registration application. 

Specify the action to enforce the unique document check

The company administrator needs to indicate which action the unique document check rule should be enforced. In the event registration example above, we would like the system to prevent duplicates only when the user is submitting or resubmitting an application. 
To do so, the company administrator can select "Check for unique document key" option as in the demonstration below: 


Event Registration

Event Registration workflow allows anyone to submit a registration application to attend an event. The end-user needs to provide their company information and submit the application. The application then can be reviewed by one of the event coordinators. The event coordinator can accept or return the application back to the end-user.


The form is designed in a very generic way, but you can always customize the way you want.



  • Document Owner: the end-user who create the document or the email address entered
  • Event Coordinator: the staff of the company organizing the event

Customizable Document Name


Rethink Workflow allows the administrator to configure the document name to improve the user friendliness and ease-of-use. For example, instead of showing "RFL-0001 - Request for Leave", the administrator can configure the system to show "RFL-0001 Request for Leave of John Smith from 10/01/2019 - 10/03/2019" with the help of placeholders.

How to design

On the workflow design screen, VARIANT tab is where the administrator can configure Document Name.