Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Rethink Workflow has recently added the "Voting" feature to our flow to fulfill the need of many of our customers.

This feature allows you to specify how many times an action be taken before moving a document to the next state. For example, you want a Change Request only be moved to the APPROVED state only when at least three different committee members take APPROVE action. Another example, only when everyone signs off a Sale Contract, then it can then be moved to DONE state.

How to design

To enable this feature on the flow design screen, take the following steps:
1. Click on the route you want to specify the number of actors to open the route property panel
2. Switch to the ACTORS tab and adjust the right settings. Note that "actors" represents everyone who has permission to take this action as defined in the PERMISSION tab.
3. Click on the UPDATE button to save changes.

Only when at least three actors take Approve action, the document is moved to Permit Review state

Permission Shortcuts

Besides a centralized permission settings screen, Rethink Workflow offers a quick way to adjust permissions for each field, route, or state while designing the form or flow.

Quickly set permission for each field

1. On the form design screen, open the Property panel of the field you want to set permission

 2. On the Property panel, switch to PERMISSION tab. Here you can adjust the permission for each role in each state.

 3. Click on UPDATE to save changes

Quickly set permission for each route

To quickly set permission for a route while designing the flow, you can follow the steps below:
1. While designing the workflow, On FLOW tab click on the route you want to set the permission to open the route property panel
2. Adjust the permission for each role
3. Click UPDATE to save changes

Quickly set permission for each state

Similar to setting permission for each route, you can quickly set permission on each state using state property panel.