Saturday, January 26, 2019

How to create or initiate a new document?

There are several ways to create or initiate a new document from a workflow.

From the overall dashboard

When you are on the overall dashboard, click on the "NEW DOCUMENT" button to start creating a new document.

On "SELECT A WORKFLOW" screen, click on the button on the right of the desired workflow to create a new document.

From the workflow dashboard

If you are already on the workflow dashboard, simply click on "NEW DOCUMENT" to initiate a new document from that workflow.

From a workflow public URL

If a workflow is made public, any public user can use the link provided to create a new document. Rethink Workflow offers an easy and streamlined authentication process for the new user to create an account and sign in before creating a new document.
This video demonstrates the steps a public user takes to create a new document from a public workflow

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